Noteworthy Strategies & Practices
State of Nevada - Transitions Policy
In March 2022, the Department of Health and Human Services in Nevada put forth a new policy to reduce trauma and/or emotional harm for all children in transition from one residence to another. Washoe County presented this information at the QPI Champions Conference - we find it a Noteworthy Policy & Practice!
Nevada Transitions Policy | Reunification Transition Meeting
Connect our Kids
Connect Our Kids provides freely accessible modern technology to help professionals find loving extended family members and build social capital for vulnerable children and their families.
It is clear from the results of this pilot that with modern technology tools, child welfare professionals can do more, in less time, for the children in their care. While hurdles remain, this data shows that providing child welfare professionals with information at their fingertips, time-saving organizational tools, and transparency among teams and supervisors, children in care can be much better served.
Soulful Liberation
Soulful Liberation is a movement aimed to empower youth and young adults that have experienced foster care and anyone who has experienced trauma to overcome their past experiences and alchemize it in a way that empowers them. We seek to uplift those affected by colonization, navigate their mental, physical and spiritual health journeys, and break generational curses to be in a space liberating one's self and community!